Digital Marketing

5 Hacks That helps to Boost Your Marketing Campaign

5 Hacks that help to boost your brand and it gives more results for your campaigns and you no need to spend much for the campaigns.

1. Give Bonus for social media shares 

Here you have to create trust in your products and brands while running a lead generation campaign. The main concern is to make your client feel happy and satisfied.

while sharing on social media you can get more leads without spending extra money. once you create trust among the clients and audience they will share their contact details and if you give them an additional bonus for sharing, they will share your products on their social media profiles or personally share with their friends.

Example: Referal code, Generate coupon code, Give Bonus

Incentives for social media shares

2. Run a Referral Campaign 

People always love to share the products which they like among their friends and their connections and also to get something as an incentive for referring.

On the other hand, the people who see this referral won’t take any actions instantly due to no incentive for them. Make the one-sided incentive to dual-side incentive so only they also get the benefit for taking action.

Example: Cashback, Referral Link, Incentives

Run a Ad campaign

3. Generate thank you, Page, for customer feedbacks and purchase.

some of the marketers failed to update the thank you page for the customer feedbacks and their ratings. This makes your client feel satisfied with each purchase and this boosts your page traffic and also you can get positive feedback from the users.

You can also make a greeting page additional with the thank you page, It would be like traffic generating or lead generating.

Example:  Quotes on thank you page like ” Thanks for liking our Page” Thanks for your valuable feedback” ” Thanks for rating our page”

 Thank you mail for Customer feedback

4.Re-sent Email To get More Subscriber 

Most of the email users didn’t open their mails, No matter how attractive the subject line was, some marketers follow the tricks to optimize the email subjects to rise the open rates, but they failed to follow the simple trick to get more opens and that trick is to resent the email with the different subject line.

Make your client as Subscriber

5.  Emojis and Gifs

Use Emojis and Gifs to get more attraction for your expression rather than the words. In the Facebook Ad campaign, you can use Emojis instead of words, Gif and Emojis makes people notice your Ads and improves the CTR

Add Emojis Instead of words

Apply these hacks while running your marketing campaign and get more clicks and responses from your clients.