Digital Marketing

7 Marketing Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Traffic

Do you want traffic but don’t have the time to make all the changes. Are you searching for a quicker solution? In this video, Neil Patel shared seven marketing tools that’ll get you more traffic instantly.


It’s an all in one SEO tool which analyzes your websites and shows what you have done wrong and what makes you get traffic.


Use Mailchimp to send emails to your audience. You can also use bonus tool, Hello Bar, for free, which allows you to collect the emails and it plugs right into Mailchimp


Browsers have notification preferences in them. Browser notifications are more effective than Email.


With Mobile Monkey, you can create, quote-unquote, like an email list, but more so a Messenger list. So that way you can communicate to anyone on any of Facebook’s platforms. Open rates and click rates will be amazing.

Yoast SEO plugin

Use the Yoast plugin to optimize your sites with the click of a button. You can also even create an XML sitemap for you to upload it into Google to get more traffic.


With the buffer, you can schedule your content in advance and if you push your older articles every month, you will get traffic even to your old content.


If you encourage the people for sharing your content, your webinars. In an essence, create a viral loop, in which, when people take actions that you want them to do, such as sharing your content, promoting your webinar, promoting your tools, promoting your services, they can get a reward.