Digital Marketing

Rank #1 on Google Using 7 Free SEO Tools

In this video, Neil Patel explains SEO optimization techniques which help to skyrocket your Google rankings. This will helps many beginners and business owners to reach their goals #1 on Google.

List of 7 free tool

Tool #1. Google Search Console 

This will show you all the keywords and the ranking that helps to drive the majority of your traffic. your own headline and title tag with perfect keywords help to get more clicks.

Tool #2. Ubersuggest

To rank easily with long-tail terms, you can use Ubersuggest. It will show you all the long tail variations of those keywords.

Tool #3. Yoast SEO Plugin

This plugin will make your SEO process so easy if you run your website on WordPress. Yoast SEO Plugin helps to optimize your code, title tags, meta description and create an XML sitemap.

Tool #4.

This tool tells you whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.

Tool #5. Google Trends

Google Trends compare your brand with other people and shows you the best. If you want to brand bigger  Google Trends helps you.

Tool #6. Google PageSpeed insights

This helps you speed up the website while you access on mobile devices.

Tool #7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere plugin helps to discover how many people are searching for your business terms and related keywords. so you can get more keyword ideas.