
7 Blogging Tips That Will Make Your Blog Successful by Neil Patel


In this video, Neil Patel shared a few blogging tips that will engage more people to read and share your content.

Use the words “YOU” and I”

By using the words You and I in the blog post make the readers feel like there is some conversation. So it creates some interest to read further.

A Paragraph should contain only 5 or 6 lines

A long paragraph will make the readers feeling bored which discourages the people from reading. So the paragraph should not exceed more than 5 or 6 lines.

Use Subheadings

By using subheadings, the post can be easily sectional. This helps to engage readers by drawing them into your blog content.


By writing a conclusion, people will be able to find easily what your blog post is about. Because most of them will read the conclusion first and then the full content.

Cite your facts

Readers should trust you. So you need to include some facts in your post to built trust on you.

Include images

Images will convey easily more than words. So add some images in the post.

Write actionable content

People will come back to your site, only if they gain some value from the post that you writing. So the post should be valuable for the readers.

Follow these 7 blogging tips that will make your blog successful.