Web Hosting

Everything you Need to Know about SSL

This video will help you to understand, what are the SSL certificate and its importance.

SSL – secure sockets Layer

SSL is the security-based encryption protocol established between the browser and the webserver to secure the data transaction. SSL boosts your website and it helps for SEO ranking.

Example scenario: If you are purchasing any products from the eCommerce website, after the selection process, you are requested to enter your baking details for the payment gateway. Sometimes the information may be get hacked due to the insecure webpage.

The hacking process is call man in the middle attack. Here the hacker gets the details by sniffing tools, that track all the transmitted on the network and sends it to the hacker.

If you visit the website after the SSL installation, a secure connection will get enables between the server and browser.

If you are using WordPress, Plugins are available so installing the SSL is not a big deal.use these following SSL plugins and secure your WordPress site 

WordPress Plugins To Help Install SSL

1.Really Simple SSL

2.WP Force SSL

3.Insecure Content Fixer

How to set up the SSL certificate?

 Step 1: Hosting the ecure and dedicated IP address

Step 2: Buy an SSL certificate

Step 3: Installation process

Step 4: Update your URL to HTTPS