Google Advertising
Posted By Surya

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads

There are more number of Online advertising platforms which helps your business to increase sales, generating leads and a lot more. Also, there are two major paid advertising platforms are used by most of the business people. They are:

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads

In this video, Neil Patel has explained the difference between Google Ads & Facebook Ads and which one should be used for your business.

Google Ads – The Google Ads works on ‘Intent Based’. By Google Adwords, people search based on what they are looking for.

If your business is based on products/services i.e, people who wants to solve a specific problem, then Google Ads will be perfect platform.

Facebook Ads – The Facebook Ads are not intent based. If you are looking to attract or reach a broad audiences, then the Facebook Ads suits you well.

You can create Facebook Ads which makes the people drive to a landing page. The landing page can be of Blog post, information of a product etc., which can convert them into a customer.