Digital Marketing

How to Speed Up Your Website and Increase Revenue by Neil Patel

In this video, Neil Patel explains how to speed up your website and increase your website revenue by following these four steps.

Step 1. Google Page Speed. It is a tool provided by Google to show your website speed from 1 to 100. If your website speed is high then you are in good position, but if your score is low then you need work. Google page speed tells what you need to work to speed up the page.

Step 2. Google AMP framework. It is also a google product. It allows your website to load fast on mobile devices.

Step 3. Content delivery network (CDN). People visit your website from all over the world. If you have your content on servers all over the world then your site will load fast to all the people in the world. For instance, Akamai is the CDN service providing company. This company service is expensive but very useful.

Step 4. Cache your Website.  You need to cache your website. If you have WordPress then it would be simple. You can use W3totalCache WordPress Plugin to load your site faster.

These are the basic steps to improve your site speed and increase revenue.

You can also check the perfect SEO Setup for a WordPress website using Plugins.