SEO Training
Posted By Swetha

6 Reasons You Still Aren’t Ranking: The Cold, Hard Truth

In this video Neil Patel break down six reasons you are still not ranking. If people tells they are doing SEO for long time then they not getting the rank or not getting results because of the following reasons.

1. You’re not consistent. You need to keep creating more content. If you do it continually, you can get better result.

2. You’re tactical and not strategic. You should focus on the core strategy and fundamentals.

3. Your content is sucks. Look Google Analytics at once a month. Analyse which content are underperforming and stop writing more of that content. Create content for humans not for search engines.

4. Focusing on building links more than quality. Its not about the number or building links but quality is important.

5. You are choosing a space that is too competitive.

6. You are thinking about keywords not readers. Try to write the content that explains the solutions for the problem.