
3 Simple Tricks to INCREASE Traffic to Your Blog Without Writing More Content

You can even drive more traffic to your blog post without writing more contents or building more links.

In this video, Neil Patel gave 3 simple tricks to increase traffic to your blog without writing more content.

Title tag and Meta description – In Google Search Console look for the post with less than five percent click-through rate and look for the keywords that you’re ranking for. Add those keywords in your title tag and meta description.

Re-sharing the post – Continuously share your blog post. If it’s an evergreen content keep re-tweeting it. Even you can schedule it out so that you’re continually getting shared.

Content RepurposingContent Repurposing is an easy way to drive traffic. You don’t want to write more blogs instead, you can take the content and create videos for the same post and release it on social media. So that you will get more juice out of every single article.

With these three simple tricks, you’ll build more traffic to your blog posts without building any more links or writing more content.