Adding Users- User Manager Tool

User Manager In cPanel

Adding Users- User Manager Tool

cPanel provides the user with an extra additional feature called – User Manager. The User Manager is a tool which allows the user to create additonal accounts/users for emails, FTP and a web disk. By doing so, each user has an unique account, passwords and services. In this article, we have guided you how to create additional users by using cPanel’s User Manager tool.

Below mentioned are the steps to be followed to create an additional user/account in cPanel.

STEP 1: Login

The first & foremost step, login to your cPanel account.

STEP 2: User Manager

You can find ‘User Manager’ tool under the ‘Preferences’ section of the cPanel.

User Manager

STEP 3: Add User

Next, to create a new user, just tap on ‘Add User’.

Adding New User

STEP 4: Filling details

You can see the ‘Basic Information’ section. Fill the section with the appropriate details of the uses. Then under the ‘Security Information’ section, you can see two different options to set the password. They are:

  • The user will set the account password
  • Set the user’s password

Basic and Security Info

You can set the password according to your needs.

STEP 5: Enabling Services

In the ‘Services’ section, you can see three different categories in which you can create accounts. They are: email, ftp, web disk.

Under each service, you can set limits according to specific options.


By enabling it, you can set the size of your account according to your needs.


In FTP service, you can set the quota as ‘Unlimited’ or with a specific size limit.

Web Disk

By enabling this service, gives the permission to the user to access the files in the directory.


Once it’s done, you can click on ‘Create’ option. Else you can also click on ‘Create and Add another user’ option depending on the needs.

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