.DE Domain Name Rules and Requirement Policies
.DE is the country code TLD for Germany and is regulated by DENIC eG. Apart from common domain registration requirements, it has certain regulation which is required if you are registering, transferring, renewing, or deleting .DE domain.
Let’s see the Rules and Requirement which you must know before registering the domain.
Rules and Requirements -.DE Domain Policy:
1. Register the domain with the German location address details.
2. Users can still register from any country but will be required to provide authorized contact details within two weeks (an authorized contact located in Germany who can receive official or court documents on their behalf is required) when requested by the registry.
NOTE: If not provided the requested document within the timeframe, your .DE Domain might be subject to deletion directly by the DENIC registry as mentioned in the mail.
3. ID protection is not supported and will not work.
4. You can register IDNs domain name in the below languages only.
Albanian | Catalan | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch |
Estonian | Finnish | French | German | Hungarian | Icelandic |
Italian | Latvian | Lithuanian | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese |
Slovak | Spanish | Swedish | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh |
5. You must agree to DE Terms and conditions while registering the .de domain.
6. Second level TLD can be registered.
Nameserver Requirement:
1. Use our default nameservers to meet the DENISC “NAST Predelegation Check”.
2. If you want to update a different nameserver, check the nameserver with IP address validation in the tool – “NAST Predelegation Check“. Once verified, you can update the nameserver in the domain registrar. You can confirm with us if you want to verify the nameserver’s validity.
1. There is no explicit renewal for the .DE Domain past the expiry date (at least 5 days before the expiry date).
2. If the domain is not renewed in that timeframe, it will go into the redemption period (There is no grace period). If goes into redemption period, there will be a redemption cost applicable with renewal cost.
1. You can transfer the .DE Domain at anytime which doesn’t have the 60 day lock period.
2. If the .DE Domain is transferred to us without valid nameservers, domain will not connect to our nameserver until you update the valid/verified nameservers.
3. Authentication/EPP codes expire after 30 days once it is generated.
1. If you want the .DE Domain to let delete, you need to fill and submit the form to us 5 days before the expiry date.
2. For immediate domain deletion, you can request to us and will get the email to confirm the same.
Hope this information helps you.
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