Install cPanel on centos 7

How to Install cPanel on CentOs 7?


cPanel is the web-based Control Panel that allows web hosters to provide access to the user to control their site without having full access to the server. Complicated configurations can also be done easily in cPanel within a few clicks. One of the best advantages is that even non-technical people can also manage the site without knowing any technical skills.

Install cPanel on centos 7

In this article, we will learn about how to install cPanel on CentOS 7.

Requirements of cPanel Installation

Below listed are the few basic requirements to install cPanel on CentOS:

  • SSH Access
  • Root Login Details
  • Putty

Install PERL

PERL – Practical Extraction and Report Language

Perl language is used for processing text files, analysis of the strings, CGI( Common Gateway Interface) scripts, in web development and GUI(Graphical User Interface) development.

Run the following command to install Perl on the server

  • yum -y install perl

Set Hostname

Cpanel requests for a hostname that should be in (FQDN) Fully Qualified Domain Name format.

For example, here we using

Command to set hostname:

  • hostnamectl set-hostname

Disable Network Manager Service

NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections. While installing cPanel, it will ask to disable this service.

Here is the code to disable the Network Manager Service:

  • systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
  • systemctl disable NetworkManager.service

Install cPanel

Now you can start installing cPanel. cPanel installation may take a few minutes which depends on the resources and network speed.

Here is the code to Install cPanel

  • cd /home
  • curl -o latest -L
  • sh latest

Now you have installed cPanel successfully.

cPanel License

You can purchase a CPanel license here –

Below is the command to update the license. Run this command in SSH.

  • /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt

You can now login to your WHM.

WHM/cPanel URL: https://serverIP:2087. In place of “serverIP“, use your server IP address or the hostname you added.