How Plugins helps Your Hosting Plan?
Most of the people will prefer WordPress because of its user friendly interface. To build a new website, it is enough to have wordpress rather than looking for some coders. There are thousands of free wordpress themes available to use and everything will be in different style with various features.
How WordPress Plugins Help Your Hosting Plan?
- Plugins increases your website feature based on your needs.
- Optimizing plugins will help you to solve the Disk space allocated for your website.
- Plugins makes your works so easy with their automated systems.
- WordPress Plugins will make your work so simple just in One Click.
- Example: Website migration is made so easy through various Migration Plugins.
- WordPress Plugins helps you to keep your site updated and advanced with various new features.
Plugin & its Effective Usage
1. All in One SEO
SEO is the basic need for every website to rank in top of Search Engine Result Page. It makes your work so simple. You don’t want to add the SEO title & Description in coding of each page. This plugin helps you to overcome this. Also, If you install All in One SEO plugin, then you can edit SEO Title & SEO Description just in a single screen as shown below.
2. All-in-One WP Migration
Migrating a website is a challenging task. Want to take Full backup before migration because sometimes website datas might get crashed in its half way during migration. But nowadays it’s not at all a matter and also you can migrate the website even without any downtime. Plugins making the complex tasks so simple and also you don’t want to depend on Hosting providers for more like these things.
3. Smush It – Image Compression & Optimization
Mostly, website size is increased mainly because of Image Content. Most of the users would like to use the high quality images in their websites. Because Good Quality Images will give some good impression for the users. At the same time, users also will expect the image to get loaded in high speed orelse they will leave the website. So if you are a regular blogger, then it is not at all possible to optimize the image during every upload. This plugin will optimize the images and will reduce the size without reducing the quality of the image.
Sometimes we will upload large size image even for the thumbnail, so plugin will optimize the image and will provide the best results. Also, your disk space will be reduced to great extent.
4. W3Total Cache
When it comes to page speed, optimizing the themes or coding is a complex task. So using some effective plugins, we can optimize our website & its speed. This plugins will reduce the loading time and helps to perform better in front of the users. Performance of a website is very much important and everything is just under a single click through this wordpress plugin.