
How To Succeed As A Remote Worker: Guide To Setting Up Your Work Portfolio

Remote workers need to build a work portfolio to highlight their innovative exploits and ability to produce good results while working outside the traditional office setup!

And effectively setting up a work portfolio is one of the major factors for succeeding as a remote worker; albeit, there are several other tactics that remote workers can use to showcase their work, and appeal to modern-thinking employers.

Also read: How to get a Remote Job & Where to find the highest paying Jobs Online!

If you’re serious about becoming a full time remote worker, we’ve got the guidelines here for you to follow in stepping up your game. Remote work is certainly not reserved for shy entrepreneurs, rather it’s for those who are ready and willing to showcase what they can bring to the table.


You’ll need to build a powerful portfolio that actually communicates how different and what kind of value you can bring. As you could be highly efficient and skilled in your field, but if there is no way for you to demonstrate what you are capable of doing, then nobody will understand it.

This guide will help you to identify the important tactics to follow when setting up your work portfolio and how to be productive working remotely.

How to be Productive Working Remotely

You need to create a comfortable and safe work environment as a remote worker to facilitate productivity. At the initial stage, there are some practical steps as listed below, you must follow to set up a work environment that will be supportive and effective for remote work.

1. Create a Work-Only Space

The common challenge of remote work is combining workspace with personal space; it’s very important for remote workers to have a designated workspace in the home that can make your workday well-defined.

You can start by establishing a routine for designated space and daily prep for work. And when it becomes somewhat habitual to use the space, you will become accustomed to connect it with work-life.

The “work only” space will help you to establish work-life balance, as working from home can be a challenge if not properly managed.

2. Set Working Hours

While remote work allows for flexibility to work on your own hours, but you’ll soon find yourself losing track of important events unless you implement a time control for your work.

It is quite essential to set clear working hours for some reasons like specifying when you are available and when you are not.

Also, it makes you more productive by making your friends and family more likely to respect your work routine when there is a specific timetable. It creates a balance between work and life, so that you can manage your work and still enjoy your freedom for personal life. And best of all, it shows you are a professional.

3. Properly Dress Up For Work


As a remote worker, it is great that you can wear whatever attire you choose, but you’ll need to have a professional look because it could be benefit while working remotely.

The benefits include the fact that a professional look is useful not only as a morale boost, but if a quick Skype meeting should come up with you and important team members, without dressing professionally, it will send a negative message about your professionalism.

And there is an adage that says the better you look, the better you feel, which can mean the better you’ll perform too. Not only if your company policy requires it, it is necessary that you dress properly.

How To Succeed As A Remote Worker: Build A Work Portfolio

There are several tactics to building work portfolio, with many remote workers relying on it to gain jobs and feedback, as their portfolio is essentially their media kit. Find the three major work portfolio models and there level of importance below:

1. Profile on Job Boards

Some large job boards like Upwork maintains a site-specific portfolio for remote workers, which also allows for showcasing of works completed outside the platform.

However, the ‘Job Success Score’ is a bit controversial and sometimes, may present an unfair assessments and comments by clients that can lower your reputation.

2. Social media Presence

It is important to have profiles on social media, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as some clients may search these platforms to see how popular or influential you are, and of course, how professional you are with remote work.

Establishing a following on social media will help you to stand out and attractive to clients who are looking to expose their company to a wider social audience. If perhaps, you’re able to get 10,000 followers on any of the social platform, then consider yourself in top shape to excel.

3. Portfolio Website

Having a portfolio website is a no-brainer for remote work success, and it doesn’t have to be extremely detailed, just a highlight your major work milestones, experience, and long-term commitments.

More importantly, you should feature a bold section dedicated to clients business inquiries, as many clients will prefer e-mail communications for proper record keeping and followups. Therefore, it is prerequisite that you also get a custom email for your portfolio website.

A portfolio website doesn’t have to be a challenge at all, that’s why SeekaHost is offering remote workers the most affordable web hosting package to showcase their portfolio and reach more employers and utilizing the social media and a personal website to showcase their abilities on multiple platforms, thereby providing potential clients with all the needed information they could possibly ask for!

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There are several opportunities for those seeking to work remotely. Simply building your brand portfolio and perfecting your digital skills will go a long way in positioning you for success.

You don’t have to get tired of pitching for jobs as it takes time to learn the ropes and establish yourself as a remote work brand. And once you get to that stage, your fortunes will change as clients will start coming in huge numbers.