10 Digital Skills that will Thrive in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period

By John
Over the past weeks, businesses across different industries are digitizing their operations and processes as a result of the stay-at-home order in the wake of the pandemic.
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is a test of the necessity on commuting to the office, face-to-face interactions, and perhaps what a remote worker means in the modern economy. More so, there is a high demand for specialized digital skills by organizations to help them survive the impending crisis.
In this article, we’ll explore the 10 Digital Skills that will Thrive in the COVID-19 Pandemic period.
Also read: 7 Ways Businesses can Adapt to Online Model during the COVID-19 Crisis
So, without further ado, find below the digital skills in demand in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and where to get a FREE online training to become a true professional.
10 Digital Skills that will Thrive in the COVID-19 Pandemic
As remote work is now the norm, and an imperative in many industries, employers are transitioning to support teleworkers by remaking all the assumptions, both for the current crisis and beyond.
1. Use of Communication & Collaborative Tools
Organisations are now conducting their internal communication and collaboration online, even with suppliers and customers, including tasks, meetings, and project management, and customer relationships.
Therefore, employees need to use the online communication and collaboration tools, and the training on how these tools work is mandatory so that they can understand the context behind them.
2. Internet Skills
The use of the Internet is a skill which is becoming in high demand as most employees may not have developed the needed skill to efficiently use the internet for such things as researching on a project.
So having a good understanding of the Internet is necessary to even identify fake websites, as well as to use a range of search techniques to get required information.
3. Online Content Creation
Online content creation is more about engaging not just the customers, but also stakeholders, through the tailoring of the content to pass specific information.
The content creation skills are mainly promotional roles, but in the current situation, in many roles employees need to have these skills.
It includes the writing and sharing of newsletter, reporting on events, writing a blog and much more. Therefore, employees with the skills to create content and a good understanding of the content use, and the applicable laws, is highly valuable in today’s digitally connected organisation.
4. Social Media Skills
Some people think that social media is exclusively for their private lives and that the skills and knowledge of using these digital channels are not necessary in the workplace.
But today, the use of social media for business is increasing, with different set of skills and knowledge on how to use it for business.
In fact, any business that is not using social media and not providing basic training for all staff on how it works, risks having their reputation online damaged.
5. Data Management
Both data and cyber security need a good understanding of storage and management of data. Most companies need employees to save, move and share files with colleagues and customers, while the loss of data, hacked data, and a lack of understanding on file sharing and control could be very costly for the business.
It is mandatory that companies should train their staff in all aspects of data storage and management, which is invaluable in reducing costly risks.
6. Software as a Service (SaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a growing trend, wich is a method of software delivery and licensing for online access via a subscription basis.
Today, businesses run ‘in the cloud’ and it is very important that employees have a good knowledge on how it works and the impact on the business bottom line.
7. Data and Cyber Security
Big data means big risks, and it is changing the way organisations work around the world.
Therefore, the safeguarding of these digitally stored information from manipulations, is critical to most organisations, whether personal, research, and transactional. The loss of data through a cyber-attack or non-compliance on data regulations could be a huge damage and may mean the end of a business.
It is important that employees have a good knowledge of how to keep up with data security and data compliance to minimize the risks of a cyber-attack.
8. Data Presentation
Data presentation is the use of applications like Microsoft Office which is a digital skill for the workplace.
Such as the use of Microsoft Word for writing meeting minutes or a report, Microsoft Excel for calculating sales and expenditure, and Microsoft Powerpoint for presentation.
9. Use of Mobile devices
The use of mobile device in the workplace is increasingly popular, particularly in businesses with remote workers where these devices help to cut communication costs and increase productivity.
But these devices present some security risks to the business, which is why many employers have strict usage policies around such devices to reduce security risks.
The risks stem from employees using their own phone for work which is not sufficiently maintained for security to ensure data safety. It takes only a few seconds for a hacker to gain access to its contents or contaminate it with malware if close to the device.
Therefore, all employees using mobile device, whether work device or their own, should go for training on how to configure secure access, anti-virus software, storage of data and use in line with company’s policy.
10. Digital Problem Solving Skills
These are generic skills required in the workplace for use of digital evidence to solve problems and answer questions.
Digital problem solving skills can only be developed when employees have a good knowledge of the technology being used within the organisation.
And if, for instance, that an employee has learnt a process but doesn’t understand the wider context, they won’t be able to solve problem with it. So most often, data processing is at the heart of digital problem solving and how to manipulate data to get answers to a question or solve a problem.
These digital skills are certainly not a static set of skills that apply to a particular job, but skills that are continuously evolving to meet technological advancements.
And if you wish to be digitally confident to tackle digital tasks, then you’ll have to learn the necessary skills. SeekaHost University is offering FREE digital skills acquisition for everyone during this COVID-19 crisis period to help business owners and individuals to gain access to all kinds of online courses via eLearning platform.