different types of ssl certificates

Different Types Of SSL Certificates

SSL is abbreviated as Secured Socket Layers. The SSL certificates are much necessary for a website because it encrypts the communication between the server and the client. Also, the transfer of most sensitive details such as personal details, login credentials, etc., are also encrypted by the SSL certificates.

different types of ssl certificates

To identify if the website has installed an SSL Certificate, it can be easily identified in the address bar of the website in the browser.  The green padlock is an identification of a secured website.

Example of URL with SSL & Without SSL:

https://seekahost.com (Without SSL)

https://www.seekahost.com (With SSL)

Purpose of SSL Certificate:

SSL Certificates

If the website is attacked by malicious activities or spammers, the most sensitive information such as Logins, Forms (Used for collecting personal data), & the card transactions.

Now, let’s dive into the different types of SSL Certificates.

There are four types of SSL Certificates. They are:

Single – Domain SSL Certificates

The Single – Domain SSL Certificate is a type of SSL certificate which is applicable for only one website. Even if you have sub-domains, it will not be applicable to them. This single-domain SSL certificate secures each and every page of the website. This type of certificate is most useful for bloggers, personal websites, etc.,

Multi-Domain SSL Certificates

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate helps you to secure and encrypt more than one single website under a single certificate. This type of certificate is widely used in large organizations. The added advantage is, this type of SSL certificate is valid for the subdomains too.

Wildcard SSL Certificates

This Wildcard SSL certificates can be used to secure a single website having unlimited subdomains. Thus, having multiple subdomains under a single primary domain is applicable for adding the Wildcard SSL certificates.

Unified Communications SSL Certificates

This is also much similar to the Multi-Domain SSL Certificate, by which it can secure more domains and it’s subdomains under a single certificate. However, it is used only in unique environments. It uses a SAN (Subject Alternative Name) extension for securing multiple domains.

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