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How to increase PHP memory limit in cPanel?

Increase PHP memory limit

Increase PHP memory limit

In every PHP installation, there will be a default setting. For certain situations, we have to edit that for some websites. The default memory limit for WordPress is 32MB. For most of the sites, 128MB will be more than enough unless the plugin/theme that you install demands more.

You may face an error like Fattal error: Allowed Memory Size or

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 23556632 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3349917 bytes) in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx

Most of the time this error comes when you installing and activating themes or uploading images. In this case, you have to increase the memory limit for that website

There are two possible solutions through which you can increase the PHP memory limit,

1.Increase PHP Memory Limit through MultiPHP INI editor

2.Increase PHP Memory Limit through wp-config file

Steps to Increase PHP Memory Limit through MultiPHP INI editor

Step1: Login

Login to the cPanel Account of the website to which you need to increase the memory limit

Step2: Multi PHP Ini Editor

After login to cPanel, search as MultiPHP INI Editor. You will find this under the Software section.

MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel

Step3: Basic Mode

In MultiPHP Ini Editor, there will be two types of modes, Basic mode & Editor Mode. Click on Basic mode. In the ‘Configure PHP INI basic settings’ select the location which is the domain’s root document to open the corresponding PHP configuration.

PHP INI basic settings

Step4: PHP Directives

You can see the list of PHP Directives. In the ‘memory_limit’ directive, enter the maximum limit that your site needs.

Note: The memory limit should be greater than post_max_size and post_max_size should be greater than upload_max_filesize. Also, increase only to limit it requires as providing a higher limit may lead to security concerns.

Finally, click Apply to save the changes.

Increase Memory Limit


Steps to Increase PHP Memory Limit through wp-config

Step1: Login

Login to the cPanel Account of the website to which you need to increase the memory limit

Step2: File Manager

Search as File Manager and click on it.

File Manager in cPanel

Step3: Navigate to public_html

After entering into file manager, navigate to public_html

public_html in cPanel

Step4: wp-config file

In public_html, you can fine wp-config file. Right click on it and edit the wp-config file.

Find the line “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */”

Add this line define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’); above those line.

Finally, click on Save Changes

Also, Learn about increasing the Upload Limit Size here through MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel.

How To Create Custom Error Pages Using cPanel?

Create Custom Error Page using cPanel

Create Custom Error Page using cPanel

The error pages occur in the website naturally due to some issues in the internal part of the website or also may be due to inappropriate installations of plugins & themes. Other than this, the user can also create error pages manually. If the site is down or you want to make the changes, then this feature must be very useful.

In this article, we have guided you on how to create custom error pages using cPanel.

Create Custom Error Pages Using cPanel:

STEP 1: Login

Login to your cPanel account.

STEP 2: Error Pages

Under the ‘Advanced’ section, tap on the option ‘Error pages’

Error pages

STEP 3: Selecting Domain

Select a domain under the ‘Select Domain to Manage Error Pages’ section to create custom error pages.

Selecting Domain

STEP 4: Selecting Error Code

Click on any common error codes under the section ‘Edit Error pages’ to display it when any visitors access your websites.

Error CodesSTEP 5: Editing Error Pages

Click on any common error code. For example, here we have clicked on 403 (Forbidden Error). It brings you to another page to edit and insert the error code at any place in the html code of your website. Other than common error codes, you can also any HTTP error codes under ‘Show All HTTP Error Status Codes’.

Editing the error pages

STEP 6: Save

After insertion, scroll down and click on ‘Save’. Thus the changes are saved and the visitors will see the error pages when your website is accessed.

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How To Take Full Backup In cPanel?

Website Full Backup In cPanel

Website Full Backup In cPanel

Taking backups of your website is a much necessary thing. The purpose of taking full backup is that when your site has been hacked or deleted you can’t able to get the important data of your website. Once any malicious or unfortunate things have happened, you will lose the site including data and other files entirely. The advantage of taking backups, you can restore your data and files on your website and able to bring the site back to live, even though when the site is deleted or hacked.

Taking full backups of your site on a regular period of time is appreciable. You can take backups on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the users and website content.

NOTE: This method of taking full backup is a backup of a complete Cpanel account with whole data, where it can only be provided to hosting providers to restore it.

In this article, we have guided you on how to take full backups of your website by using cPanel. This can be done easily by users.

STEP 1: Login

Firstly, log in to your cPanel

STEP 2: Backup Wizard

Under the ‘Files’ section, click on the ‘Backup Wizard’ option

Backup Wizard

STEP 3: Backup

To take a full backup of your website, click on the ‘Backup’ option. To restore the data for your website, click on ‘Restore’.

Taking Backup

STEP 4: Full Backup

Click on ‘Full Backup’ to download your full website files under a compressed folder. You can also even take partial backup such as

  • Home Directory
  • MySQL Databases
  • Email forwarding & Filters

Click on the required file in which you wanted to take backup.

Taking Full Backup

STEP 5: Generate Backup

To start generating a backup, click on ‘Generate Backup’. Also, you can choose the destination, in which you want to download the full backup.

Generating backup of the site

After clicking on ‘Generate Backup’, you will be notified through the email id mentioned as the backups will be available for download. if you click on it, the full backup of your website will be downloaded.

Backup In Progress

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How to Solve WordPress Issues Through cPanel?

Solve WordPress Issues Through cPanel

Solve WordPress Issues Through cPanel

Most of the users face problems in WordPress due to some errors. Every user thinks that the error may occur in WordPress software itself. Even though the problems are occurring in WordPress, the main source for these kinds of situations can also be happened by cPanel. The users are not aware of the necessary tools in cPanel. The great thing is that you can also solve it by using cPanel. In this article, we have guided you on how to handle the common WordPress problems through cPanel.

Below, we have listed the common problems occurring in WordPress.

Problems When Uploading Media Files

Every user uploads the media files in their site such as Images, Videos, Gifs, etc., But the users are not aware of the size of the media files. For example, consider you have already added media files to your site. Now, you are trying to upload some images or videos which is of huge size. At this point in time, the user faces an issue i.e, the media files are not able to upload. This is occurred because of the memory limit.

For every website, there will be a memory limit by default. If you face this kind of issue you can simply solve it through cPanel. Yes, in cPanel you can find a tool called ‘Multi PHP ini Editor’ which is available under the software section of the cPanel.

By using this tool, you have to increase the file upload limit size. Once you have increased the limit and saved the changes, you can easily upload the media files in WordPress.

Bandwidth Usage

Bandwidth is the most important factor for each and every website. Also, it is a precious thing for both the user and the website. If you have a lot of traffic to your site, then the bandwidth of your site must be reached. Hence, you have to know the importance of bandwidth which is necessary.

You can also reduce uploading the media files, which is a better way for most of the sites. In order to find who is consuming the bandwidth of your site, you can make use of the tool in cPanel. Webalizer is a tool, which is used to show the data traffic of a site. By using this site, you can analyze it in many ways. At times, bots will be the major reason for consuming the bandwidth.

Bandwidth in Web Hosting

PHP Versions

Sometimes, your WordPress might get some issues while installing plugins or themes, etc., for your site. The user may have updated all the plugins and themes etc., in WordPress. But the most important is the PHP Version. The user may not aware of the PHP versions. To update the PHP version for your sites, simply click on ‘Select PHP Version’ under the Software section of the cPanel.

There you can update the PHP versions for your site or you update according to the needs.

Internal Server Error

The common error is faced by most of the users. This happens when some changes occur in the .htaccess file. If you have made some changes to the .htaccess files, you can face this kind of issue. If not, you can face due to the plugins or theme malfunctions.

These are the common WordPress problems that can be handled through cPanel.

500 internal server error

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How To Use Spam Filters In cPanel?

Use of Email Spam Filters In cPanel

Use of Email Spam Filters In cPanel

Email is one of the efficient ways to communicate with others. Also, emails are very much necessary for business communications. We are using the emails in our daily routine work. We have to keep the emails more secure and safe from the spams, hackers, etc., If any spam emails received when the users open it, the personal data and other valuable information of the business, etc., will be lost.

In order to avoid these circumstances, you can use ‘Spam Filters’ which is available default in the cPanel. In this article, we have guided you on how to use spam filters in cPanel.

What is Spam Filters?

Spam Filters is an option that is used to identify unsolicited bulk mails, commonly know as Spams and it is sent separately to the spam box by filtering from the normal mail.

STEP 1: Enabling Spam Filter

Enable the Apache Spam Assassin. By enabling it, the suspicious emails are filtered from the email and marked as Spam.

Enabling Spam filter

STEP 2: Spam Threshold Score

You can also set a score for the spams. Click on ‘Spam Threshold Score‘ which is available under the enabling of spam filter. The Spam Threshold Score is calculated based on the level of spam. When the user’s allocated score is less than the spam score, then the email is considered spam. For normal users, you can use the default setting of 5. For ISP’s, it is recommended to set the score to 8 and click on ‘Update Scoring Options’ to update it.

Spam Score Setting

STEP 3: Auto-Delete Spam

The user also has permission to delete the spam emails which are received. The spam emails are deleted permanently only when the calculated spam score is greater than the Auto-Delete Threshold score.

Enabling Auto delete option

There are some advanced configurations available in the spam filters. They are

STEP 4: Whitelisting mails  

Whitelisting the spam mails, allows the mail to start receiving to your email account. Click on ‘Edit Spam Whitelist Settings’  to whitelist the emails.

Whitelisting emails

STEP 5: Blacklisting mails

You can permanently stop receiving emails by enabling the ‘Blacklisting’ by clicking on ‘Edit Spam Blacklist Settings’.

Blacklisting emails

STEP 6: Total Spam score

Calculated spam score shows the spam score of the spam emails which are received to your account.

These are the possible ways available default in cPanel to protect your websites and other valuable information.

Configuring Calculated scores of email

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What is Email Track Delivery In cPanel?

Email Track Delivery In cPanel

Email Track Delivery In cPanel

We send and receive emails in the daily routine of our life. Sometimes, an email hasn’t reached to the destination which we have sent. These are the common issues faced by a lot of people. There is a way of tracking your emails and also you can know the reason for the issues. Track Delivery is a tool that is used to track the email which you sent and enables the user to identify the problem, during the failure of email transfer.

Email Track Delivery tool in cPanel

STEP 1: Login

Log in to your cPanel account.

STEP 2: Track Delivery

Under ‘Email’ sections, click on ‘Track Delivery’.

Track Delivery

STEP 3:  Recipient Email

In the ‘Recipient Email’ box, you can enter the email address of a single recipient and click on ‘Run Report’. You can get the report based on the filters such as

Show Success – It shows the lists of emails, which are successfully reached to the end-user

Show Deferred – It shows you the lists of emails which are sent with a warning

Show Failures – The emails which are not reached shown under this filter. Also, it shows the reason for the failure of email.

Show In-Progress – The emails which are transmitting from the source user.

Recipient Email

You can also click on ‘Show All’ to view all the email results.

STEP 4: Delivery Email Report

The table which is displayed shows detailed information about the emails. The four major columns in the table are

Information Table

In the Event column, it shows whether the email is successfully sent or not.

The Spam Score is also available for the email which is calculated by ‘Apache SpamAssassin’.

Result column informs the user, whether the mail has reached the destination and also the error occurs while transmitting email.

For more information, you can simply click on the ‘Information Icon’ under the ‘Actions’ to view more information about the email delivery report.

Delivery Event Details

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What Is Webalizer In cPanel and How to Use it?

Use of Webalizer In cPanel

Use of Webalizer In cPanel

Webalizer is used to view the stats of the visitors, who are visiting your websites. It produces the stats on different varieties which can be easily identified by the users. The stat information is displayed in the form of graphs, charts, etc., Also, you can analyze the usage of bandwidth by viewing the visitor’s information.

The Webalizer gives you the information based on visits, pages, files, hits, etc.,

In this article, we have guided you on how to view the statistical information of your site.

Webalizer In cPanel

STEP 1: Login

Log In the cPanel account

STEP 2: Webalizer

Click on the ‘Webalizer’ option which is available under the ‘Metrics’ section.


STEP 3: Viewing Statistics

Under the ‘Actions’ column, click on ‘View’, to view the statistical information.

Clicking to View for statistics


STEP 4: Detailed Statistic Reports

You can see the statistical reports of the website, which are displayed depending on the visitors, etc.,

For detailed information, you can also click on any month depending on the analyses in which the user makes.

Statisticial reports of the visitors


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How to do Hotlink Protection in cPanel?

Hotlink Protection in cPanel

Hotlink Protection in cPanelHotlink Protection is the simplest way to protect your sites from the other sites. In other words, it helps you to prevent the linking of sites directly to the images and other files on your website.

For example, If I have owned a site and the stranger likes the image and description, then used the URL of the image in their site. When some visitors visit the stranger’s site, the image on my site gets downloaded every time. Thus, there is a huge loss of bandwidth on my site. This is called Hotlink.

To safeguard your site and also to reduce the usage of bandwidth, cPanel provides a tool called ‘Hotlink Protection’.

In this article, we have guided you on how to use the hotlink protection in cPanel.

Enabling Hotlink Protection in cPanel

STEP 1: Login

Login to cPanel of your domain

STEP 2: Hotlink Protection

Navigate to the ‘Security’ section, and click on ‘Hotlink Protection’ under the security section.

Hotlink Protection

STEP 3: Enabling protection

Click ‘Enable’. Now, you have enabled the Hotlink protection for your site.

Enabling Hotlink Protection

STEP 4: Allowing URL to access

Under ‘URL’s allow to access domain’. Enter the list of URL’s that can access your site.

Allowing URL access

STEP 5:  File Extensions

In the ‘Block Direct Access’ box, enter the list of file extensions that you wanted to block direct access.

Block Direct Access

STEP 6: Direct Requests

After entering the file extensions, click on the checkbox ‘Allow Direct Requests’.

Allow Direct Requests

STEP 7: Redirecting request

Another feature in hotlink protection is, you can also Redirect request to the Url in the text box. Users whose sites are blocked will see the page instead of the hotlink file. After that, click on ‘Submit’.

Redirect the requests

Now, you have successfully enabled the Hotlink Protection. Now, let us see how to disable hotlink protection.

Disabling Hotlink Protection

STEP 1: Hotlink Protection

Under the security section of cPanel, click on Hotlink Protection.

STEP 2: Disable

Click ‘Disable’.

Disabling Hotlink Protection

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How To Create A Website Via cPanel’s Site Publisher?

Site Publisher in cPanel

Site Publisher in cPanel

Site Publisher is one of the most useful tools for many of the users, which enables you to quickly create a simple website even if you have never created before. This ‘Site Publisher’ tool provides templates to choose from and then simply add the appropriate information to it.  In this article, we will guide you on how to create a site using Site Publisher.

STEP 1: Login

Login to your cPanel account.

STEP 2:  Site Publisher Tool

The Site Publisher tool is available under the ‘Domains’ section.

Site Publisher

STEP 3: Choosing the domain

After clicking the tool, you have to choose the domain or subdomain the publisher should use.

Choosing a domain in Site Publisher

STEP 4: Templates

Once selected, it will show you the list of templates that you can choose.

Choosing the template

STEP 5: Publishing

After choosing a particular template, you have to fill some details such as Title, Description, etc., After all, click on ‘Publish’.

Filling the details

Now you’ve successfully created a temporary website to inform your visitors about what you wish.

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What Is phpMyAdmin In cPanel?

PHPMyAdmin in cPanel

PHPMyAdmin in cPanel

What is phpMyAdmin?

phpMyAdmin is a third-party tool in cPanel which is generally used to manage tables and data inside a database.  It acts as an interface to manage MySQL databases. phpMyAdmin is a raw view of the data, tables, and fields which are stored in MySQL database accessible through it.

What is phpMyAdmin good for?

It is a user-friendly program for performing maintenance operations on tables, backing up information and also can edit things directly in the event that WordPress is not working. Many of the tasks can be performed on the MySQL command line, doing so is not an option for many people.

Features of  phpMyAdmin:

It has a user-friendly web interface

Supports most of the MySQL features. Such as

  • Browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields, and indexes.
  • Create, crop, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields, and indexes
  • Manage MySQL user accounts and their privileges.

And more on.

Where can I get it?

Most of the hosting companies providing control panels such as cPanel and Plesk has phpMyAdmin preinstalled.  It is usually linked to the database page. You can also download phpMyAdmin by yourself and install it from the main phpMyAdmin.

phpMyAdmin in cPanel

To access it, click on the phpMyAdmin link which is available under the section Databases.

phpMyAdmin In cPanel


There you can see the dashboard page of the phpMyAdmin.

On the left-hand side,  you can see the list of databases by expanding it to see the table in each database.  On the right side, it displays the general information of the Database server.


phpMyAdmin allows the user to interact with the database directly. At times, it makes you mess with the database directly. The major thing is, the options such as ‘Undo’ or ‘Undelete’ are not present in your database. So, we suggest you to be cautious when working with the database.

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